Tuesday, July 2, 2013



/*****WHISPERS OF SPRING**** BY LOLITA IN FLORAL ORNAMENTS, WITH WEBSET CREDITS TO BRISA GAFICS 10.24.2013***/ /*****MAIN*****/ .xg_theme #xg {background-color: transparent !important; background-position: center 0px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px !important; } /***** THEME BACKGROUND*****/ body { background: transparent url(https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhUvOOJBMtAKSal_kBBoaTjC36ahyhwJ-eVLmSWKxtz9VpFxM1i6wYsJUo9vGHl62yWWxlYBMuTIOPP3pzg68eXaWoXLayq9VrSZFBVRJV7h0Npgm22WDZ_lhW-UGl7m4YFpOQe_M8DGjiD/s1600/fdopral1.jpg) top left fixed repeat !important; } /*****HEADER IMAGE*****/ .xg_theme #xg_masthead { margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px !important; padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px !important; display: block; width: auto !important; height: 0px; background: url()no-repeat scroll center !important; } /*Sitename*/ .xg_theme h1#xg_sitename,#xg_masthead p#xg_sitename { display:none!important; } .xg_theme #xg_masthead p#xg_sitename a,h1#xg_sitename a { display:none!important; } /*Sitename Tagline*/ .xg_theme p#xg_sitedesc { text-align: center; 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