Monday, May 20, 2013


/**Lover of My Soul in Floral Ornaments Default by Lolita 05.20.2013**/ #xj_StatusAndShareLink{ display:none !important; } #xg_sitename { visibility: hidden; }#xg_sitedesc { visibility: hidden; } /****** NINGBAR & FOOTER *****/ #xn_bar, #xg_foot { background-color:/* %ningbarColor% */ transparent!important; } #xg { background-color: transparent; background-position: center 0px; } body { background-color:#317991 !important; background-image:url( AAFhk/vMFPK84UUtc/s1600/Jesus+lovber+of+my+soul.jpg); background-position:0 0; background-attachment:fixed; background-repeat:no-repeat; } /***** HEADER IMAGE *****/ .xg_theme #xg_masthead { background-color: transparent!important; background-image: url(none) ! important; background-repeat: no-repeat; } #xg_masthead, #xg_masthead a { height: 325px; min-height:325px; width: 984px !important; color: transparent !important; } #xg_masthead p#xg_sitename { padding:0px 0 0 10px; font-size:4.5em !important; text-align:center !important; font-family: Britannic Bold,Georgia; 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